Informations about website
This weather station is located at Theologos Fthiotidas broadcasting on the Internet since December 12, 2022
I maintain this web site on a personal basis, so the site provides online a lot of weather data and statistics, for my local area
The data provided on the site is collected by using Davis Vantage Pro2 FARS weather station
The pages are updated, data every 5 minutes and webcam every 2 minutes, and are available 24/7
Also, in this site you will find my webcam pages.
That includes a day time camera, that "sees" the NE of Evoikos gulf, towards North Evoia, AND an astronomical "night" camera.
The night cam, operates obviously only the night times until dawn, with a purpose to record various astronomical phenomena.
Shooting stars, star trails, Milky Way, auroras, and recently the upcoming supernova explosion in Corona Borealis!
Next, there is my astrophotography page! In there you can see almost all my astrophotos of solar system objects, like planets, comets, asteroids, satellites etc..
Also, deep sky objects, like galaxies, nebulae, stars, clusters, supernovae etc..
And of course, many pictures and stunning videos of our star, the Sun!
Solar spots, filaments, prominences, coronal holes are dominating our day star, especially at that time of solar cycle near maximum!
And do not forget to visit my day time photos! Photos and some videos, from trips, landscapes, friends, memories...
My youtube channel, is there too, so, please, take a visit and find a lot of videos, mostly about my hobby of Flight Simulators, and many solar imaging sessions..
And, why not, leave a comment about what you see there!
This website uses Meteotemplate, a free customizable website template available at meteotemplate. The template uses its own MySQL database and therefore is able to calculate any parameter or statistic and also does not rely on any other external services.
You can use the main website to download all the content, wiki includes instructions how to install or you can subscribe to the blog where regular updates are published and where you can also ask for help and support.
The template is maintained by Jachym from the Czech Republic.
⚶ Μετεωρολογικός σταθμός με εικόνα από κάμερα (και νυκτερινή)
Οι ιστοσελίδες ανανεώνονται, τα δεδομένα κάθε 5 λεπτά και η κάμερα κάθε 2 λεπτά.
☉ καμερα (και νυκτερινη)
ημερησια και νυκτερινη καμερα
✤ Οι αστροφωτογραφιες μου
Στηρίξεις, τηλεσκόπια, μηχανές, φίλτρα και ατελείωτες ώρες γιά την απεικόνιση κάθε είδους ουράνιου σώματος..
⚍ Οι φωτογραφιες μου
Αλλά και οι ημερήσιες φωτογραφίες και βίντεο από τοπία, εκδρομές, παρέες, αναμνήσεις..
⚶ youtube channel
Το κανάλι μου στο YouTube